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International Journal of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A (2019)

Evaluation of sperm mobility activation media for egg Fertiliztion in locally bred American channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)


Aziz Ahmed, Anila Naz Soomro, Rehana Kauser, Hasina Basharat and Muhammad Ramzan


Fish sperm motility is now thought to be the prime indicator for the peculiarity of fish spermatozoa. Sperm motion characteristics from over 305 different fish species have been published in over 1450 scholarly articles spanning a wide variety of issues, from molecular biology to ecology. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the impact of two activation media (A, B) created in the lab and distilled water as a control on male American channel catfish milt quality and fertilization rate (Ictalurus punctatus). Brooders were developed from locally bred catfish seed and selected on the basis of maturity at Aquaculture and Fisheries Program, National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Islamabad Pakistan. The experiment used a complete randomized design (CRD) with three replicates for each of the three treatments: media A, B, and Control (distilled water). As considerable number of sperms are present in every microliter of sperm, hence several forms of activation or dilution media were utilized to utilize sperm or milt more effectively. Following milt collection, it was diluted in a ratio of 1:29 with the aforementioned matching activation media before being subjected to in vitro testing for a number of parameters, including sperm mobility, sperm mobility duration, and sperm viability. The same diluted milt aliquots were used to check fertilization rates, and the findings showed that the components were substantially different in the specified conducts (p<0.05). The sperm/egg aliquot treated with medium "B" had the highest mobility/motility and fertilization rates (81.66% ±2.88 - 85.33% ±2.08), followed by media "A" (73.33% ± 2.80 - 71.66% ±2.08), and control (68.33% ±2.8 - 67.33% ±2.08). Sperm viability and concentration in A, B, and C, or the control, were likewise substantially different (p < 0.05) from one another. The media "B” had the greatest values (61.66% ± 2.53 -2.50± 0.14), followed by "A" (57.33% ±2.51 -2.37 ± 0.76), and "Control" (48.33% ±1.15 -1.93 ± 0.45). The length of the sperm mobility duration varied considerably (p < 0.05) across all treatments. It was measured in seconds and was 310sec ± 32.94 for the control, 565sec ± 42.78 for media "B" alone, and 469sec ±9.74 for media "A" with means + Standard Deviations.

Pages: 25-30  |  705 Views  211 Downloads

International Journal of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
How to cite this article:
Aziz Ahmed, Anila Naz Soomro, Rehana Kauser, Hasina Basharat and Muhammad Ramzan. Evaluation of sperm mobility activation media for egg Fertiliztion in locally bred American channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Int. J. Mol. Biol. Biochem. 2019;1(2):25-30. DOI: 10.33545/26646501.2019.v1.i2a.28
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