ABM Sharif Hossain, Musamma M Uddin
Background and objective: Cell or tissue culture as micro-propagation from stem, leaves, root, crown, sucker or embryo etc. has been successfully done in plant tissue culture Biotechnology. The study was conducted to investigate the root, callus, shoot and leaf proliferation from the root, shoot tip and leaf cutting. Materials and Methods: The MS media with IBA and BAP were used as rooting media. The media with hormones prepared for five replicates of each hormone concentration. BAP and IBA concentrations were 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 mg/l. Results: The results showed that root, shoot, leaf and callus cell and tissue proliferation were regenerated successfully. The highest number of root proliferation was found (1.8) in the concentration of IBA 2.0 + BAP 2.0 mg/l combination cultured from root tip. However, the maximum root proliferation was found in the concentration of IBA 2.0 + 1.0 BAP combination cultured from leaf cutting and shoot tip. Positively callus formation was found better in the concentration of BAP 1-3.0 and IBA 1-3.0mg/l combination than other combination of concentrations in the case of root, shoot tip and leaf cutting. Moreover, the leaf proliferation was found better in the concentration of IBA 2-3.0 + 1-3.0mg/l BAP combination cultured from root tip, leaf cutting and shoot tip than other combination of concentrations. The highest callus weight was found in the cultured from shoot and leaf cutting than root cutting in the concentration of IBA 2.0 + 1.0 mg/l BAP combination. Conclusion: The results conclude that it was better to use the combination of the IBA and BAP in the concentration of 1.0-3.0 mg/l to regenerate root, shoot, leaf and callus cell proliferation of broccoli from root tip, shoot tip and leaf cutting.
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